2 March 2025

The United States Must Become the AI Arsenal of Democracy

Jack Burnham

The United States confronts an adversary far more technologically savvy than any of those that came before. As with the Cold War, both Washington and Beijing view dominance over science and technology as the surest way to win in their ongoing rivalry. In both capitals, science and technology are perceived as a proxy for each nation’s capacity to translate their latent economic potential into lasting military supremacy.

The link between the laboratory and global leadership has never been stronger. The rapid proliferation of artificial intelligence (AI) promises to transform the stakes of the Sino-American rivalry, supercharging the relationship between science, technology, and national power. Not since the advent of nuclear weapons has the United States confronted both a profound technological revolution and a near-peer adversary.

Facing this generational challenge will require generational leadership. To ensure military supremacy and economic prosperity for the long term, Washington must return to its earlier roots as an arsenal of democracy, working to reinforce its still-leading position as a technological power by sharing crucial computing resources while preparing its own industrial base to harness AI. This transition will require both defensive measures, such as more adroit export controls, and offensive actions, such as mobilizing Washington’s unsurpassed network of allies and partners and developing its domestic AI industrial base.

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