3 March 2025

It’s The Oligarchy, Stupid – OpEd

Robert Reich

One of the unacknowledged advantages of the horrendous era we’ve entered is that it is revealing for all to see the putrid connections between great wealth and great power.

Oligarchs are fully exposed, and they are defiant. It’s like hitting the “reveal code” key on older computers that let you see everything.

Jeff Bezos, the second-richest person in America, who bought The Washington Post in 2013, announced that the paper’s opinion section would henceforth focus on defending “personal liberties and free markets.”

Anything inconsistent with this view would not be published. “Viewpoints opposing those pillars will be left to be published by others.” (Full statement here.)

The Post’s opinion editor, David Shipley, promptly resigned, as he should.

You’ll recall that Bezos barred the Post from endorsing Kamala Harris in the last weeks of the 2024 election. Subsequently, the paper wouldn’t print its cartoonist’s drawing showing Bezos and other oligarchs bowing to Trump — leading the cartoonist to resign.

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