Is military transformation a bad thing?
In testimony yesterday before the Senate Armed Services Committee - Readiness and Management Subcommittee, the Assistant Commandant of the Marine Corps was asked by Senator Sullivan if the Marine Corps today had the ability to throw a combat bridge across a river and keep an assault moving forward. The ACMC was forced to admit the Marine Corps did not have that ability today.
Senator Sullivan is relentlessly focused on the Marine Corps' ability to serve as the Nation's 9-1-1 crisis response force. If over the last five years, the Marine Corps had maintained the same relentless focus that Senator Sullivan has today, then the Marine Corps would still have the units, equipment, and capabilities needed for the Marine Corps to reliably function as the Nation's 9-1-1 force. How did the Marine Corps get where it is today? How did a military transformation that was intended to make the Marine Corps stronger, do so much to decimate the Marine Corps global, combined arms, 9-1-1 crisis response force?
In his article, "Transforming the Marines for an Uncertain Future" Charles Wilhelm explains that the transformation of the Marine Corps over the last five years had its roots in a much more successful transformation that took place several decades ago.
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