Kat Duffy
Imagine that it is May 2025. U.S. President Donald Trump has just finished bulldozing the entire U.S. interstate system, because Elon Musk decreed that highways are wasteful and the country should run on hyperloops. No hyperloops currently exist, and the entire nation requires the interstate system to function, but that is deemed irrelevant. For months prior, Deep Interstate tried desperately to draw attention to the range of public needs that roads fill, how critical highways are to national security, and how rash it would be to squander the decades of bipartisan work—and the billions of taxpayer dollars—that went into constructing them. But Deep Interstate has been labeled untrustworthy, existing only to protect its own interests and undermine the administration.
By July, hyperloop construction is facing years of delays. Construction supplies are stuck in warehouses while workers are consistently late or absent: The local roads have become too congested to allow the efficient passage of even critical materials or employees. To transport supplies long distances, beleaguered investors discover that they will need to build a giant system of high-speed roadways connecting localities.
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