19 February 2025

Mobile Brigade Combat Team Targeting Process“OWN theKILL CHAIN

LTC Christopher The Army introduced the Mobile Brigade Combat Team (MBCT) to support division as the new unit of action. The MBCT, outfitted with equipment like the Infantry Squad Vehicle (ISV) for mobility and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) for sensing and striking, supported with new communications infrastructure through C2 fix allows commanders to greatly increase operational tempo. As a result, 2MBCT required a more agile, adaptive and responsive targeting process tied to critical events instead of the 72-hour Air Tasking Order (ATO) cycle.

The challenge the fire support enterprise faced with the existing targeting process was that it remained tied to both a timeline that cannot maintain the pace of operations and resources not always aligned to the MBCT commander. To address this need, 2MBCT developed a process based on the find, fix, finish, exploit, analyze (F3EA) targeting cycle anchoring it around two boards called “flash mobs,” a term acquired from 3rd Brigade, 25th Infantry Division. At the Joint
Readiness Training Center (JRTC), 2MBCT implemented this process resulting in an increased lethality for the MBCT despite some challenges. 

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