16 February 2025

As Jordan’s King Abdullah meets Trump, can he resist US pressure on Gaza?

Justin Salhani

Jordan’s King Abdullah II is set to meet with United States President Donald Trump in Washington, DC, amid the latter’s repeated insistence that the monarch accept Palestinians he would like to expel from Gaza so the US can take control of the enclave.

The idea came up in Trump’s comments – made alongside a smiling Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu last week – that Palestinians should be “removed” from the devastated Gaza Strip. Trump has emphasised that, to his mind, the Palestinians would not return, making his ideas ethnic cleansing.

Jordan rejects the idea.

Trump’s comments were condemned not only by Jordan but also Egypt, which Trump also said should “take” Palestinians from Gaza, as well as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates and Qatar.

However, Trump said US financial support for Jordan and Egypt would force their hand.

“If they don’t agree, I would conceivably withhold aid,” Trump said on Monday, the day before meeting King Abdullah.

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