
17 January 2025

Hypersonic Missiles: We Need ’Em…and We Need a Strategy

Francis G. Mahon & Punch Moulton

The development of hypersonic missiles, capable of traveling at speeds exceeding Mach 5, cannot be just an ambition—it must be a commitment to maintaining the United States’ strategic edge and being ready for tomorrow’s near-peer fight. The unique capabilities hypersonic weapons deliver demand the U.S. adopt a comprehensive and coordinated strategy for their development and employment - one that synchronizes and synergizes U.S. military services, while embracing “test fast, fail fast, learn fast” in development.

Our previous article outlined the compelling need for warfighters to employ hypersonic weapons. Their extended range and speed enable engaging deep targets and time-sensitive targets. Further, hypersonic weapons can uniquely penetrate adversary defenses. Hypersonic weapons will enable our joint warfighters to hold an adversary at risk across space and time—a distinctive operational advantage.

Even more importantly, the U.S. can leverage a quiver of hypersonic weapons for operational and strategic deterrence. Hypersonic weapons satisfy both elements for deterring an adversary: they can “deny benefit,” and they can “impose cost.” If an adversary understands we can neutralize a ballistic missile attack before launch with hypersonic weapons (denying benefit), the adversary’s calculus is disrupted. In addition, if the adversary believes senior leaders or headquarters will be targeted in a conflict with hypersonic weapons (imposing cost), the decision to initiate the fight becomes harder.

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