
20 December 2024

The Invisible Frontline: The Nature of China’s Unrestricted Warfare and Why the US Needs a Strategic Wake-Up Call

Dallas Tueller


Imagine you’re playing a game of chess with the assumption that the rules are traditional. Your opponent, however, gets to change the rules at any time, distract you with clever misdirection, and manipulate the audience’s perception of the match. This game is no longer equal; one player has a major advantage. This is the essence of China’s approach to warfare in its Unrestricted Warfare (UW) strategy. Rather than relying solely on traditional military strength and playing by the “rules,” China employs the full spectrum of national power, including cyberattacks, economic coercion, disinformation campaigns, and spies, to achieve strategic goals. The United States (US) is scouring the rule book for effective responses but is coming up short. These tactics fall outside the typical rules of warfare and are increasingly relevant in today’s interconnected world, effectively creating a new normal. With a traditional mindset on warfare, the US needs to adapt to these changes to keep up with integral changes to the character of war and effectively protect itself from external influence. China’s use of UW is having profound repercussions on core US infrastructure. These effects occur without recognition and proper urgency, putting US national security and hegemony at risk. It’s critical that senior-level policymakers and strategists adequately recognize the impact of China’s UW on the US. This article provides evidence of UW’s occurrence within vital US systems and details possible solutions to mitigate its effects. The primary aim is to increase awareness of China’s ongoing action against the US to stimulate strategic discussion within higher levels of the government.

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