14 October 2024

Israel’s triumphant response to 7 October7 October

Jonathan Sacerdoti

One year after the brutal attacks of 7 October 2023, Israel’s global reputation has undergone a remarkable transformation. Far from being undermined by the actions it has taken in Gaza and beyond, Israel’s standing has been fortified, its image strengthened with steel. While some voices –particularly in the West – have feigned concern about Israel sacrificing its international standing in its pursuit of victory, the reality is starkly different. Israel’s reputation has not been diminished but has evolved into one of decisiveness, strategic intelligence, and strength.

Much of the concern surrounding Israel’s actions in the last year was not genuine, but a veiled excuse to criticise the state for defending itself. Critics lamented that Israel might sacrifice global goodwill in its pursuit of victory, but these criticisms are superficial and often placate those who have long sought to undermine Israel’s legitimacy. The notion that Israel should refrain from defending itself to preserve its reputation overlooks a critical reality: a nation’s first responsibility is its own survival, not global approval.

Israel’s reputation has been bolstered precisely because it has shown it will act decisively when threatened and preemptively when necessary. Previously seen as a nation reluctant to engage in prolonged or preemptive conflicts, preferring a ‘mowing the grass’ approach of managing problems, Israel has shifted. No longer will it allow threats to fester unchecked. The events of 7 October served as a brutal reminder of what happens when enemies are managed rather than defeated. From now, Israel will focus on eliminating threats outright, particularly Hamas and Hezbollah, whose goal is Israel’s destruction.

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