14 September 2024

The European Union’s Cyber War Challeng

Musa Khan Jalalzai

Hostile states actors are knocking on every closed door in Europe in an effort to disrupt normal management of societies and their governments. State institutions, including intelligence agencies, cybersecurity organizations, and policing agencies are exhausted in their efforts at pushing back against non-native and unknown forces.

Those European intelligence agencies tasked with countering malicious cyber actors are simply unprepared for the fight they face. Disinformation campaigns waged by the Chinese, North Koreans, and Russians are also plaguing Europe. When Russia first began such efforts to shape election outcomes about a decade ago, their rather low-cost efforts were successful enough to encourage further disinformation efforts.

French efforts to sound the alarm about disinformation in Europe and Africa were largely unheeded and is now bearing fruit for China and Russia as several African nations are turning against the West and toward these autocracies. The cyber four of China, Iran, North Korea, and Russia, through their security institutions, targeted the UK and French institutions, financial markets, and security infrastructure at home and their prestige abroad.

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