6 September 2024

Strategic Alliances in Space Exploration and Militarization: The New Frontier of Geopolitics

Aqsa Ghauri

Whilst humanity reaches further into the cosmos, the exploration and militarization of space have become defining features of modern geopolitics. The growing importance of space as a domain of power projection has led to the formation of strategic alliances among nations, each vying for dominance in this final frontier. The implications of these alliances extend beyond scientific advancement and into the realms of resource exploitation, national security, and global power dynamics. This article delves into the emerging alliances in space exploration and militarization, examining their geopolitical implications and the potential for future conflicts in space.

The Emergence of Strategic Alliances in Space

The space race that began during the Cold War was primarily a bipolar competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. However, the contemporary space environment tends to be multipolar, with numerous countries and private entities entering the arena. Strategic alliances in space exploration have emerged as key drivers of technological advancement and geopolitical strategy.

One of the most prominent alliances in space exploration today is the collaboration between the United States and its traditional allies through the Artemis Accords. Initiated by NASA, the Artemis program aims to return humans to the Moon and establish a sustainable presence there by the end of this decade. The Artemis Accords, signed by over 20 countries, represent a coalition committed to the peaceful exploration and utilization of space resources. However, underlying this collaboration is a clear intent to secure strategic advantages in space, particularly concerning lunar resources.

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