24 September 2024

Seizing The High Frontier

Mark Albrecht, Trey Obering, Mira Ricardel & William Schneider

In his acceptance speech, Republican Presidential nominee Donald Trump highlighted two significant initiatives for America’s future national security: establishment of a United State Space Force, created during his Presidency, and the need for a strategic defense system to shield the homeland from missile attacks. Taken together they constitute a clear, compelling and urgent objective for America to seize the ultimate “High Frontier.”

A combined and integrated space superiority and missile defense system will ensure the United States controls the high frontier to protect against attacks by China and Russia today and into the future.

Russia and China have boldly and systematically pursued space dominance. From the Chinese testing our defense networks by flying high altitude surveillance balloons over the United States and actively threatening U.S. assets in space, to Russian anti-satellite (ASAT) testing and cyber interference in satellite communications in Ukraine, these two increasingly aggressive challengers clearly regard space as the next arena for leverage and strategic advantage.

It is time for the United States to seize the high frontier. We have the lead today, but without a focused and concerted effort that lead can vanish.

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