25 September 2024

Rubio Releases Report: “The World China Made: ‘Made in China 2025’ Nine Years Later”

U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) released a report titled “The World China Made: ‘Made in China 2025’ Nine Years Later,” which reviews the successes and failures of Communist China’s “Made in China 2025” industrial policy. It is the sequel to Rubio’s 2019 report titled “‘Made in China 2025’ and the Future of American Industry.”
  • “The Chinese Communist Party controls the largest industrial base in the world. Through theft, market distorting subsidies, and strategic planning, Beijing now leads in many of the industries that will determine geopolitical supremacy in the 21st century. This report should serve as a wakeup call to lawmakers, CEOs, and investors. We need a whole-of-society effort to rebuild our country, overcome the China challenge, and keep the torch of freedom lit for generations to come.” – Senator Rubio
This report finds Beijing has succeeded in conquering four of the 10 high-value, high-technology sectors it targeted in “Made in China 2025”:
  • Electric Vehicles. China exports more electric vehicles (and internal-combustion vehicles) than any other country.
  • Energy and Power Generation. China is the technology leader in nuclear reactors and controls over 80 percent of the global solar power supply chain.
  • High-Speed Rail. China’s infrastructure development efforts have produced a remarkable 28,000 miles of high-speed track.
  • Shipbuilding. China’s shipbuilding capacity now exceeds the United States’ by a factor of 200. It also bests that of other shipbuilding powerhouses.

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