7 September 2024

Pakistan: The Rise Of The Baloch Liberation Army – Analysis

Abubakar Siddique

The Baloch Liberation Army (BLA) has waged an over 20-year insurgency against the Pakistani state, carrying out mostly small-scale attacks against government forces.

But that changed last week when the separatist militant group claimed responsibility for major coordinated attacks across the vast and impoverished southwestern province of Balochistan, killing over 70 people.

The bombings and shootings on August 25-26 were the deadliest in years in Balochistan, which borders Afghanistan and Iran and is home to Pakistan’s Baluch ethnic minority.

Experts say the attacks highlight the growing strength of the BLA, which has boosted its recruitment and gained access to modern weapons. The U.S.-designated terrorist group has also adopted more lethal tactics like suicide bombings in recent years.

“These attacks were unprecedented and mark a new escalation in the tensions in Balochistan,” said Kiyya Baloch, a Pakistani journalist and commentator who tracks militancy in the region. “It shows the BLA’s determination to showcase its growing strength.”
Demonstrating Dominance

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