22 September 2024

Milei Wants More Government Spending: For The Military, Of Course – OpEd

Ryan McMaken

From day one of his presidency, it has been apparent that Argentina’s President Javier Milei wants the Argentinian regime to be a willing member of the US-NATO axis in international affairs. Milei has demonstrated this with a variety of overtures toward the State of Israel and by his repeated meetings with the dictator of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

This all positions Burenos Aires as a reliable supplicant and friend of Washington. Or, as I summed it up back in June:

“[Milei] displays no particular affinity for anti-interventionist foreign policy, and he’s certainly no threat to the established US-dominated geopolitical order. Milei is, and will likely continue to be, a reliable ally of the American security state. More succinctly, we might say that Milei is a “CIA-approved head of state.” “

It should be noted that there is no reason why Milei is required to take these positions. Milei could easily stake out a position making Argentina a “non-aligned” country that refuses to participate in US and NATO meddling in Eastern Europe. Milei’s regime could easily choose to not take a position in the multiplying conflicts between Washington-Tel Aviv and half a dozen other states.

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