8 September 2024

Marine Corps University PressJournal of Advanced Military Studies, Fall 2024, v. 15, no. 2

Maritime Militias: Disrupting Naval Operations in the Pacific Theater and the case for Intermediate Force Capabilities in the Maritime Domain

Rescuing the Unreachable: Personnel Recovery and Resupply in a Contested A2/AD Environment

Land Power in the Littoral: An Australian Army Perspective

Reconnaissance-Strike Tactics, Defeat Mechanisms, and the Future of Amphibious Warfare

Bringing Clarity to Stand-in Forces: How Operational Art and Science Provide the Linkage between Stand-in Forces, Expeditionary Advanced Base Operations, and Reconnaissance/Counterreconnaissance Operations

Houthi Motivations Driving the Red Sea Crisis: Understanding How Ansar Allah’s Strategic Culture Goes Beyond Gaza and Iran

Oceans Are Now Battlefields: How the U.S. Navy and Marine Corps can Counter North Korea’s Navy in an Evolving Age

Fires from the Shore: Supporting the Fight for Sea Control

China’s “Second Battlefield”: Political Warfare in Combat Operations

Selecting San Carlos: The Falklands War, 1982

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