6 September 2024

Kursk Offensive: West Heralds 'Rebirth' of Maneuver Warfare


This is a premium article for paid subscribers that covers the recent trend of declaring the rebirth of ‘maneuver warfare’ as product of the perceived “success” of the Ukrainian operation in Kursk. In the piece I refute these conclusions by explaining how maneuver warfare is in fact a misunderstood, and deliberately misleading, concept which uses outdated combat stereotypes from WWII and beyond in a disingenuous attempt to paper over shifting modern paradigms.

We utilize several sources including the latest Institute for the Study of War piece, as well as an article on ‘positional deadlock’ from the latest issue of one of Russia’s premier military journals, Армейский сборник, or Army Collection.

This report is another whoppingly descriptive ~6,800 words, of which I’ve left a small portion open to the public as a teaser for people to decide whether the topic’s premise interests them and is worth subscribing for.

Since the start of the Ukrainian Kursk offensive on August 6th, 2024, there have been innumerable claims from the pro-Ukrainian West heralding the rebirth of “maneuver warfare”. Several high-profile figures and publications declared that offensive warfare is back on the menu, as if Ukraine had finally solved the riddle of the modern positional stalemate which has vexed both sides for nearly the past two years.

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