18 September 2024

Israel braces for possible 'all-out' war against Hezbollah, Iran proxies

Andrew Parasiliti

Israel’s destruction of an Iranian-controlled precision missile facility in Syria on Sept. 8 may be prelude to a wider escalation with Hezbollah in Lebanon and other Iranian-backed militias, Ben Caspit reports from Israel.

“The sides are bracing for an all-out war with Hezbollah and other Iranian-backed militias,” writes Caspit.

The Biden administration wants it both ways with its pressure to restrain Israeli escalation: to maintain the threat of the impermanence of the enhanced US military deployment, while reassuring Israel, and warning its adversaries, that the United States has its back in the event of an attack. Although the United States may have withdrawn the aircraft carrier USS Roosevelt last week, the guided missile submarine USS Georgia has taken its place.

As we wrote here last week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows the decisions run through him. The effect of US pressure is minimal. The White House doesn’t want an escalation, but the United States will come to Israel’s defense if war breaks out with Hezbollah and other Iran-linked proxies along the so-called belt of fire described by Caspit.

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