9 September 2024

Is the U.S. relationship with Israel still worth it?

K. Ward Cummings

As the anniversary of 9/11 approaches, I find myself asking out loud a question I’ve whispered to myself often since the Twin Towers came down: Is the U.S. relationship with Israel worth it?

This was a lot easier to answer during the Cold War, when the U.S. supported Israel in order to counterbalance Soviet influence in the region. But, that was a long time ago, and though the Russians are still active in the Middle East, it’s not on the same scale.

Stable oil markets are also a longtime reason we have supported Israel, but that situation is changing too, as the U.S. is now the leading producer of oil on the planet.

Of course, Israel continues to help the U.S. in many important ways politically in the region. But I still feel compelled to ask: Is that enough?

The U.S. has paid a heavy price for our relationship with Israel over the years — not just in treasure, but also in blood. According to the 9/11 Commission, U.S. support for Israel was a key reason for the attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

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