
5 September 2024

Iran's Goals Are Even More Nefarious Than You Think | Opinion

Felice Friedson

The countdown is ticking away toward some grand act of revenge for Israel's killing of Hezbollah commander Fuad Shukr in Lebanon, and its alleged assassination of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh in Iran. Much of what comes next hinges not on any desire for revenge but whatever will best serve Iran's strategic goals of destabilizing the region and beyond.

Whatever Iran's ultimate decision will be, armies are being mobilized in Israel and Lebanon, command centers are readied for any scenario, and citizens along the border are evacuating—if they can. Psychological and economic damage is already apparent.

This is not an Israeli problem alone. Many Americans may not grasp the extent of Iran's ambitions. It seeks to destabilize the world, reshape Arab countries with extremism, and hit hard at American assets.

The supreme leader of Iran, Ali Khamenei has been upfront in telling the world that his motives are to destroy Israel and destroy America. These two allies do not stand alone on the Iranian target board.

Iran's is hyper-focused on acquiring nuclear capabilities that will garner them a title of regional superpower. As the world is deterred watching Iran's Middle East chess game, the regime can now produce weapons-grade uranium for at least 13 nuclear weapons in under four months.

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