7 September 2024

Hybrid Warfare in Ukraine: Russia's Strategic Playbook with China, Iran, and North Korea

Ken Robinson

Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine represents a stark application of hybrid warfare, involving a calculated blend of military might, cyber operations, disinformation, and economic manipulation. Backed by China, Iran, and North Korea, Russia's multifaceted approach aims to destabilize Ukraine while exerting broader influence over the global geopolitical landscape. We must examine the tactical, operational, and strategic dimensions of Russia’s hybrid warfare, identifying the roles of its allies, and outlining the necessary steps for Ukraine, NATO, the EU, and the broader Western alliance to counter this threat.

Tactical, Operational, and Strategic Objectives

Russia’s hybrid warfare campaign against Ukraine operates on multiple levels:
  • Tactical Level: Russia’s immediate objectives include disrupting Ukrainian defense capabilities, targeting critical infrastructure through cyberattacks, and spreading disinformation to confuse and demoralize both the Ukrainian military and civilian populations. Tactics like these aim to create chaos, reduce Ukraine's operational effectiveness, and undermine public confidence in the Ukrainian government.
  • Operational Level: Russia employs a mix of conventional military engagements, cyber operations, and the manipulation of energy supplies to pressure Ukraine and its allies. By maintaining a sustained military presence and periodically escalating hostilities, Russia seeks to keep Ukraine in a state of constant instability. Cyber warfare tactics, such as disrupting communication networks and infrastructure, are designed to cripple Ukraine’s ability to respond effectively.

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