
10 September 2024

How Labour can fix the public sector

Dan Honig and Sam Freedman

We have an extra bonus guest post this month, due to me being on holiday last week. I will have two pieces in the next week on the US election and the Tory leadership race.

But today’s post is by Dan Honig, an associate professor of public policy at University College London and Georgetown University. I first came across Dan’s work when I was running a small international development charity. His book - “Navigation by Judgment: Why and When Top-Down Management of Foreign Aid Doesn't Work” - was the only one I found that acknowledged how broken the system I was trying to engage with was (that’s a post for another day).

Dan’s new book “Mission Driven Bureaucrats” is based on a huge amount of research into what makes public sector workforces effective across the globe - including examples from developed and developing countries. UCL are hosting a launch next week at which I’ll be speaking (alongside more interesting people) which you can sign up to attend here. In this post Dan explores the key lessons from his book for thr new Labour government.

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