12 September 2024

Great Power Competition Report - United States & China

Monte Erfourth


The Strategy Central Great Power Competition report details the United States and China competition in the first half of 2024. It offers an analysis to help strategists grasp the current state of rivalry between these two superpowers in terms of power, economics, military power, and diplomacy. The conclusion is more than a summary; it will contain additional points and recommendations. The report will first examine the power dynamics in the Indo-Pacific as a way to explore the region of greatest tension between the U.S. and China. This does not mean that the rest of the world is not at play. It very much is. The world will also be discussed, just in less detail.

The report is broken into distinct sections:
  • Power Politics. Explores the interplay of nations employing their powers to create advantage through influence and leverage to protect and advance their interests.
  • Economic. Explores the ongoing trade disputes, technological restrictions, and collaborative efforts.
  • Military. Delves into strategic deterrence, strategic approach, and the complex dynamics of military engagement in several regions.
  • Diplomacy. Discusses high-level diplomatic initiatives, conflict resolution efforts, and the impact of strategic alliances.
  • Conclusion. Synthesizes insights and offers strategic recommendations, aiming to inform strategy development or, at the very least, serve as an informative overview of the evolving U.S.-China relations.
The reader can skip to any one section to learn about a particular area of concern. Going directly to the conclusion may be best if the reader is looking for a synthesis of the primary facets of great power politics and where the competition currently stands.

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