22 September 2024

Global Energy Perspective 2024

While significant progress has been made in the nine years since the landmark Paris Agreement, the global energy transition is entering a new phase, marked by rising costs, complexity, and increased technology challenges. To successfully navigate this next phase and meet the Paris Agreement goals, urgent action will be needed and the pace of change must accelerate. The clean energy transition will also need to be balanced with affordability, energy system resiliency, and energy security in an increasingly uncertain macroeconomic environment.

The Global Energy Perspective 2024 is intended to serve as a fact base grounded in the best currently available data to help global stakeholders meet decarbonization goals. The report offers a detailed demand outlook for 68 sectors and 78 fuels across a 1.5° pathway, as set out in the Paris Agreement, as well as three bottom-up energy transition scenarios. These scenarios have been redesigned this year to better reflect changing global conditions, including geopolitical shifts, increasingly complex supply chains, and higher inflation. The critical question this research aims to address is how the world can achieve a step change in its efforts toward meeting net-zero goals and avoid the worst impacts of climate change.

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