19 September 2024

Ensuring U.S. National Security Space Forces Are Ready for Near-Term Conflict

Chris Williams

The next U.S. President will confront a dramatically worsening international security environment. The growing political, military and technological collusion between the new Axis powers (China, Russia, North Korea and Iran) poses a serious and growing threat to U.S. military forces and America’s vital national interests. The United States faces the very real prospect

of multiple simultaneous, high-intensity military crises or conflicts in Europe, the Middle East, Northeast Asia and the Indo- Pacific. Urgent steps are needed to assure U.S. national security space forces are optimized for near-term high-intensity conflict on a global scale.

There is a growing recognition that U.S. national security space systems, including Department of Defense (Title 10) and Intelligence Community (Title 50) capabilities as well as commercial systems, are essential to America’s security and way of life. Without support from critical space systems, the U.S. ability to protect and defend its global interests would be severely degraded. More pointedly, whether America wins or loses the next war (or wars) may depend on the availability and effectiveness of U.S. space systems.

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