23 September 2024

China’s Military Commander Identifies U.S. Missile System That Can “Sting” PLA, Disrupt Taiwan Invasion Plans

Shubhangi Palve

However, one key revelation stood out: the PLA’s concern over US-supplied MANPADS (Man-Portable Air-Defence Systems), which are viewed as a major threat if China proceeds with its dangerous plan to invade Taiwan.

China’s ‘Quenching’ On Taiwan

The latest episode of ‘Quenching’ showcased various military maneuvers, including a large-scale helicopter air assault led by the Ground Force’s aviation unit, anti-access electronic warfare by an aircraft carrier strike group, and long-range rocket fire drills. Reconnaissance and strike drones were highlighted as key to supporting helicopter landing missions on the island.

Beijing’s stance remains clear: it considers Taiwan a part of China, to be reunified by force if necessary.

In the simulated assault, PLA helicopters and landing forces face stiff resistance from enemy units armed with MANPADS, which could pose a serious challenge.

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