
10 September 2024

China Tests US Commitment To Indo-Pacific With Maritime Operations – Analysis

William Yang

China’s recently increased maritime and aerial operations near the Philippines, Japan, and Taiwan is part of Beijing’s attempt to gauge the United States’ commitment to supporting allies in the Indo-Pacific region, say analysts. They noted the increased activity comes as Tokyo and Washington gear up for elections in the coming weeks.

“China sees an opportunity to test the United States’ commitment to the broader region. So, it is sending a signal to Washington that if they try to invest more in the Philippines and other relationships in the South China Sea, Beijing will try to complicate their security architecture and their ability to manage many issues at once,” said Stephen Nagy, a regional security expert at the International Christian University in Japan.

Chinese and Philippine coast guard vessels collided at least twice since last month near Sabina Shoal in the South China Sea. Sabina Shoal lies within the Philippines’ exclusive economic zone, or EEZ but Beijing says the partially submerged reef is part of its territory.

The latest collision happened shortly after noon on Saturday, August 31. Videos released by both China’s state broadcaster CCTV and the Philippine coast guard showed a Chinese coast guard vessel ramming into a Philippine vessel. Each side accused the other of “deliberately” causing the collision.

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