9 September 2024

ASEAN Handbook


This comprehensive resource has been written for the diverse and varied audience of policymakers, practitioners, social workers, and other professionals involved in rehabilitation and reintegration programmes in Southeast Asia.

The handbook provides an in-depth understanding of the complex processes involved in rehabilitating and reintegrating individuals who have been involved in violent extremism and terrorism. It underscores the importance of tailored, individually focused strategies that are sensitive to the unique vulnerabilities and needs of each individual.

By navigating through the various sections of the handbook, users can learn about methodologies for rehabilitation and reintegration (R&R) and explore the role of data aggregation, information dissemination, and resource mapping in the creation of effective R&R programmes. The handbook is structured in two primary sections, detailing both pre-release and post-release scenarios, which acknowledges the unique challenges and opportunities inherent in each phase of the rehabilitation and reintegration process.

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