9 September 2024

Army University PressMilitary Review, July- August 2024, v. 104, no. 4

2024–2025 Dubik Fellows: Demonstrating the Pen Is Mightier than the Sword

The NATO Strategic Concept on Its Seventy-Fifth Anniversary

Who in NATO Is Ready for War?

NATO’s Most Vulnerable Flank, but Not for the Reasons We Think

From the Hindu Kush to the Banks of the Dnieper: NATO’s Promise and Peril in a New Reality

North Atlantic Treaty Organization

Architects of Training: Assessing How TRADOC Makes Soldiers for the All-Volunteer Force

Marketing Authoritarianism: How Putin and Xi Cultivate Isolationism

What’s the Big Idea?: Major General Fremont and the Foundation of an Operational Approach

The Queen of Battle: A Case for True Light Infantry Capability

Little Spoon [poem]

How the 10th Mountain Division Is Going Back to Its Alpine and Mountain Roots

Hunter Electromagnetic Spectrum: A Model to Both Train and Advance Modernization Efforts

Light Infantry Logistics: Transforming from the Global War on Terrorism

Finnish Joint Air-Ground Integration: Building Allied Partner Capability

Lead Climbers: Noncommissioned Officers Drive Change in the 10th Mountain Division

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