15 September 2024

A U.S. Strategy for Ukraine…Finally

Mick Ryan

In the past 24 hours, it has been reported that the Biden administration has finally submitted a strategy for supporting Ukraine to the U.S. Congress. As Reuters reported:

A congressional aide said the long-awaited report had reached lawmakers on Monday and they had not yet had a chance to review it. Two other sources, requesting anonymity to discuss a classified matter, confirmed that it had been delivered. The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The strategy, which is linked to ongoing U.S. assistance for Ukraine, was due to have been submitted to Congress back in June. Given the war is now in its 31st month, the lack of a strategy until now says much about the prevarication and strategic timidity demonstrated during the war by many (but not all) of Kyiv’s backers.

The aim of this article to explore the current U.S. strategy for Ukraine, and what the new strategy, submitted in the dying days of the Biden administration, might look like and whether it will have an influence on the trajectory of the war.

The Current U.S. Strategy

There is no clear U.S. strategy for the war in Ukraine. After 31 months, the Biden administration is still using crisis management, speeches and slogans such as ‘for as long as it takes’ rather than developing and executed a clear, well resourced strategy for Ukraine.

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