
13 August 2024

Will Bangladesh Go In Iranian Way? – OpEd

The successful 1979 Iranian working-class struggle against the monarchical dictatorship was eventually snatched away from people and hijacked by reactionary religious forces, with the covert support of imperialist and colonial powers led by the CIA. The progressive character of the Iranian people’s struggle for freedom and justice gradually faded, giving way to the rise of reactionary ruling elites who concealed their power in the name of religion and nationalism. This political and economic transition has not only betrayed the aspirations of the Iranian working people but also set the stage for a repressive regime that continues to dominate the social, economic and political landscape of the country till today.

The successful mass uprising in Bangladesh, led by students, against the corrupt, nepotistic, and authoritarian government of Sheikh Hasina stands as a powerful testament to the power and resilience of democratic struggles. The Sheikh Hasina regime was challenged with widespread anger and legitimate grievances and protests from the Bangladeshi people. Her regime was unpopular among the masses. In response, her government resorted to highhanded tactics, attempting to suppress the dissent by using state police and military forces. Thousands of people were killed, injured, and unlawfully arrested by the Hasina government. However, these repressive actions only fuelled the resistance, finally culminating in the regime’s downfall and forcing Sheikh Hasina to resign and go into exile.

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