
14 August 2024

Why China Continues to Purchase Russian Mi-171 Helicopters Despite Its Technological Advances - Analysis

Amid rapid modernization of its military, China continues to purchase Mi-171 helicopters from Russia, despite having developed its own aircraft. This decision raises questions about why China, capable of producing modern helicopters, still invests in this Russian platform. The Mi-171, with its proven capabilities and reliability in extreme conditions, continues to appeal to the People’s Liberation Army (PLA)

The Mi-171 is an evolution of the well-known Soviet Mi-8 helicopter, developed by Russia in the 1990s. Designed to be versatile, this helicopter can perform a wide range of missions, from troop and material transport to rescue operations in challenging environments. Its VK-2500 engine, known for its reliability, provides the power needed for high-altitude operations and harsh climates. The helicopter is also equipped with advanced protection systems, such as electronic countermeasures and reinforced armor, making it suitable for operations in hostile environments.

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