
19 August 2024

Who would fight Europe's war against Russia?

Abby Wilson

With no end in sight for Russia's war in Ukraine, Western leaders are warning of a potential escalation on the global stage.

Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk has suggested Europe is currently in a "pre-war era". Joe Biden alluded to the "price of unchecked tyranny" as he backed US support for Ukraine. "But checking tyranny comes at a price and, alas, the West’s young seemingly aren’t prepared to pay," said Jamie Dettmer for Politico.

Nato nations, including those who share a border with Ukraine, are struggling to recruit and retain armies. "We cannot do anything without people – if we modernise equipment and don't have enough competent people and motivated people, that is all wasted money," Czech armed forces head General Karel Rehka told Reuters.

All manner of recruitment strategies – from talk of reinstating conscription in Romania to a military-themed TV show that will air in Hungary by the end of the year – have been employed across the region.

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