
6 August 2024

U.S. Military Lacks Capability to Deter War or Prevail in Combat!

Monte Erfourth


A bipartisan panel reviewing U.S. defense strategy found that America's odds of fighting a major war are the highest in 80 years, and its military isn't prepared. The most damning sentence in the Committee’s report is that the “U.S. military lacks both the capabilities and the capacity required to be confident it can deter and prevail in combat.”[i]

The 2024 Commission on the National Defense Strategy assessed the 2022 National Defense Strategy (NDS) in a nearly 100-page report criticizing the Pentagon for being slow, Congress for partisanship, and multiple administrations for complacency towards threats from China, Russia, and the Middle East. The report released in July, produced with the help of outside experts, underscores the urgent need for public awareness and readiness, comparing the current deficit of preparedness to post-Vietnam, Cold War-era readiness.

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