10 August 2024

The Riots In Britain Represent The Total Failure Of Britain’s Governing Class

John Daniel Davidson

The rioting in Britain is what happens when a country’s political class tries to depoliticize mass immigration — smearing anyone who objects to it as “far-right” — and then imposes a policy of mass immigration by force. At some point, the people revolt.

Britain’s liberal elites have latched onto online misinformation and racism from the far-right as an explanation for the riots. But the real explanation is that Britain’s leaders have sold their countrymen out for decades, importing an unassimilated foreign population against the wishes of native Britons. That is a recipe for social unrest, civic strife, and ethnic conflict, which is exactly what Britain’s ruling class has brought about.

Set aside the triggering incident — in this case, a horrifying knife attack that left three little girls dead in Southport, a town in northwest England. It doesn’t matter that the accused attacker, 17-year-old Axel Muganwa Rudakubana, is neither a Muslim nor an immigrant, but merely the son of Rwandan immigrants. What matters is that this attack was the latest in a long string of attacks by non-native Britons against the native population, and that it occurred in the context of ongoing mass immigration. The riots have been labeled “anti-Muslim” and “far-right” by the government and the corporate press, but they are really anti-immigration, and not at all restricted to the far-right. Demonstrators have been quite clear about this, chanting “stop the boats” and “we want our country back.” Those are reasonable sentiments for ordinary citizens to express about their homeland, whatever Britain’s ruling elite might say.

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