
9 August 2024

The next president must restore our faith in America - Opinion

Jamie Dimon

We live in a perilous time. Deeply divided, our nation now faces both challenging domestic issues and perhaps the most complicated geopolitical situation since World War II. We may be at an inflection point that will determine the fate of the free and democratic world for decades.

We should not sleepwalk into disaster — we will prevail, but we need an active, comprehensive effort. This is precisely the time when strong American leadership is needed to unite us and strengthen the indispensable role our country plays for the safety of the world.

We’ve faced worse: war, economic upheaval, social transformation. In those moments, leaders such as Presidents Lincoln, Truman and Eisenhower guided us forward with common sense and pragmatism. Our best leaders strengthen the bonds that unite us. They address the broader interests of our country and don’t pander to base politics or cater to extremes.

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