23 August 2024

The B-21 Raider Bomber Is 'Putting China on Warning'

Brent M. Eastwood

Last year, U.S. Senator Mike Rounds, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, explicitly stated that the new B-21 Raider stealth bomber is being developed primarily as a deterrence weapon against China.

-The B-21, capable of carrying nuclear and conventional weapons, is designed to penetrate advanced air defense systems, ensuring that China and other potential adversaries like Russia, Iran, and North Korea understand its capabilities.

-The bomber's advanced technology and role in the U.S. nuclear triad aim to prevent aggression in the Indo-Pacific and maintain global stability.

B-21 Raider: America's Stealth Weapon to Deter China and Other Adversaries

Last year, a key U.S. senator who sits on the Senate Armed Service Committee has finally articulated what many defense analysts have already speculated on – that the new B-21 Raider bomber is being manufactured to someday take on China.

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