11 August 2024

Steps Needed To Stem Bangladesh’s Return To Dictatorship And Communalism – Analysis

P. K. Balachandran

The newly appointed Chief Advisor to the Interim Government of Bangladesh, Nobel Laureate Dr.Muhammad Yunus, has called for an end to the violence and vandalism that a re continuing even after the flight of the despised dictator Sheikh Hasina.

President Mohammad Shahabuddin has asked policemen who had left their posts fearing violent retribution, to return to their posts in 24 hours. In the absence of the police, university students are directing traffic on roads and have formed committees to protect the lives and properties of the Hindus including their temples that were being targeted by the supporters of the Jamaat-e-Islami and Bangladesh Nationalist Party (BNP).

The government of India, which is particularly concerned about the safety of the Hindu minority, has not taken a hostile stand and is hoping that the new regime will protect the minorities. But the same cannot be said about sections of the Indian media which are using the current spurt in attacks on Hindus to sharpen anti-Muslim feelings in India and benefit from it politically.

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