30 August 2024

Peacemaker vs Peacemaker: India and China’s Diplomatic Duel Over Ukraine

Amey Velangi

Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s recent visit to Kyiv, following his diplomatic engagement in Moscow last month, marked a significant step in India’s involvement in the Ukraine conflict. This visit, occurring against the backdrop of prolonged hostilities, suggests a deeper strategic intent.

With both India and China increasingly positioning themselves as key players in global diplomacy, the Ukraine war has become an arena for showcasing their peacemaking capabilities. As China’s efforts to mediate the conflict have faced challenges, India’s engagement hints at a new dimension in the quest for global influence. For both India and China, positioning themselves as successful peacemakers is not just about resolving the Ukraine crisis; it’s also about enhancing their global credibility as new emergent powers, capable of resolving realpolitik issues.

For China, asserting itself as a mediator bolsters its image as a responsible global power capable of challenging U.S. dominance and extending its influence beyond Asia. For India, demonstrating diplomatic leadership in such a high-stakes conflict supports its aspirations to be a major player in global governance and a voice of reason in global affairs. The evolving roles of these two Asian giants not only reflect their ambitions on the world stage but also underscore the complex interplay of strategic interests and operational realities in the quest for peace in Ukraine.

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