
17 August 2024

National Defense University PressJoint Force Quarterly (JFQ), no. 113, April 2024

Taking Cues From Complexity: How Complex Adaptive Systems Prepare for All-Domain Operations

Accelerating Transition of Biotechnology Products for Military Supply Chains

Breaking the Shield: Countering Drone Defenses

2040 Vision: Designing UK Defence for Advantage in a Competitive Age

"Study, Not Doctrine: Prioritizing History in JPME

Getting the Best Out of Joint Warfighter Development

Implementing the Chairman’s Guidance on Experiential Learning in PME Classrooms

DOD’s Need for a Transportable Energy Solution: The Promise of Nuclear Power

The Other Arctic: Competition, Cooperation, or Coexistence?

The PPWT and Ongoing Challenges to Arms Control in Space

Mission (Command) Complete: Implications of JADC2

Supporting People With Policy and Platforms: The Key to Acquisition Reform

Defending an Achilles’ Heel: Evolving Warfare in the Philippines, 1941–1945

Commander’s Critical Information Requirements: Crucial for Decisionmaking and Joint Synchronization

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