15 August 2024

Microsoft and China — a Clear and Present Danger to U.S. National Security?

Amy K. Mitchell

Americans have been fixated on domestic politics over the last month, and rightly so. However, it should be recognized that our adversaries during this time have stood idly by. In just the last few weeks — the war in the Middle East has significantly expanded and may devolve into a wider war, a children’s hospital in Ukraine — a hospital that treats children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases — was bombed by Russia. The People’s Republic of China continues antagonizing U.S. ally the Philippines in the South China Sea.

While Washington is distracted, America’s adversaries continue to use the nonstop election cycle to exploit U.S. weaknesses.

What has not been widely reported during this time, and is one of our most significant weaknesses, is America’s continued over-dependence on tech giants. While steps have been taken to develop a national strategy on cybersecurity, outpacing our adversaries’ ability to make incursions into our nation’s digital architecture has been woefully wanting. If anyone needs convincing, look at what is happening in France during the Olympics, with cyberattack after cyberattack.

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