2 August 2024

Memo on AI's national-security implications heads for Biden's desk


President Joe Biden is expected to receive a classified memo outlining AI's threats to national security and suggesting limits to its deployment, several sources with knowledge of the memorandum’s contents told Nextgov/FCW.

Ordered up by Biden’s October executive order on AI, the memo is meant to help "develop a coordinated executive-branch approach to managing AI’s security risks," and it is expected to build on last year's guidance issued by the Office of Management and Budget and international commitments discussed in recent meetings at Bletchley Park and Italy.

“This [memorandum] is focused on national security systems which exist in military and intelligence agencies, but also some of FBI’s and DHS’s systems also will qualify,” a person familiar with the expected contents of the memo said.

The memo will not directly change AI procurement , but will likely carry “significant implications” for cloud service providers and frontier model developers and their understanding of how to responsibly deploy these technologies.

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