
23 August 2024

Mark Cuban Says 'Everybody's Chasing Power, And Nothing Will Give You More Power Than Military And AI'

Adrian Volenik

Mark Cuban, the billionaire entrepreneur, had many insights during his recent appearance on The Daily Show. Although he discussed many topics, what stood out were his views on power, the military, and artificial intelligence (AI).

Cuban pointed out that in today’s world, everyone is increasingly focused on gaining and maintaining power, “and nothing will give you more power than military and AI,” he exclaimed.

Cuban worries about how technology, particularly AI, is being developed and used. He sees AI as something with a lot of potential but also as something hard to predict: “I’ve been in technology for a long time, and you can always look at a new tech, PCs, networks, the internet, streaming, whatever, and say, OK, in five years, this is what’s going to happen, right, and have a good sense.”

“With AI, you can’t do that,” he said, describing the difficulty in knowing exactly where AI will lead us.

Even though there’s a lot we don’t know about AI, Cuban is sure that the U.S. is at the forefront of developing it. He believes this is important, not just for business but also for national security. “We are, without question, the leader,” he said, stressing how crucial it is for the U.S. to keep that lead.

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