12 August 2024

Lebanon Is On Brink Of War: Where Do The Country’s Christians Stand?


In a stark departure from the destructive war of 2006, which had political and partly Christian motivations and revealed deep divisions among Christians, Lebanon’s Christian community today stands united as the nation teeters on the brink of war.

With tensions erupting on the southern border, Christian leaders and citizens are presenting a unified front. Despite their varied political allegiances, Christians are collectively refusing to support a war that could further devastate an already struggling country. They recognize the nation’s exhausted state and fear it may not recover from another prolonged conflict.

The potential war between Hezbollah and Israel is viewed as a direct continuation of its Gaza forerunner. Christian leaders grasp the gravity of the situation, while everyday Lebanese citizens — struggling to put food on the table, ensure access to medicine, and secure a few hours of electricity — cannot endure more hardships.
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As the conflict between Hezbollah and Israel intensifies, with recent clashes reaching the southern suburbs of Beirut, the commitment to keep Lebanon out of war becomes increasingly evident. The expanding violence, which could potentially involve Iran, disrupts traditional confrontation patterns and heightens the risk of a broader conflict.

Christian opinion staunchly opposes this escalation, advocating for Lebanese neutrality.

In response, Christians have called for the full implementation of U.N. Security Council Resolution 1701. Adopted unanimously in 2006, this resolution aims to end hostilities and address the Lebanese-Israeli conflict with the assistance of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL).

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