
8 August 2024

Israel on the Dangerous Path to International Isolation'

Pnina Sharvit Baruch

The International Campaign Against Israel

In the aftermath of the brutal attack by Hamas on October 7, Israel initially garnered widespread support from the international community, which recognized its right to self-defense. However, even at this early stage, certain elements within the UN found it hard to condemn Hamas and even justified its actions. As the conflict escalated, resulting in extensive destruction and suffering in the Gaza Strip and exacerbating the humanitarian crisis, this support shifted to sharp criticism and severe accusations against Israel.

During this critical period, years of strategic efforts by leaders of the international campaign against Israel came to fruition. By aligning with progressive factions, they successfully infiltrated influential Western institutions, including UN human rights bodies, other humanitarian organizations, academia, and the media, spreading anti-Israel narratives. These narratives have been amplified through social media, reaching global audiences.

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