21 August 2024

Information Advantage: Using Cyber Warfare and HMI to Seize the Initiative

LTC Amos C. Fox, USA, Ret., Ph.D.


The cyber domain and the information dimension are the most contested areas in today’s security environment. As information technology—including artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML)—continue to improve, the cyber domain and information will become increasingly more important. It is therefore prudent to thoroughly analyze these spheres and study how to obtain information advantage over our adversaries, enabling the U.S. Army to remain the world’s preeminent land force.

Joint Publication (JP) 3-04, Information in Joint Operations, is a good starting point. It defines information through the lens of relational value.1 That is, information in and of itself does not possess value, but rather is valuable based on its relevance to the individual actors operating within a specific situation.2 Further, it does not carry universally applicable values to each actor, nor does it carry the same value at each level of operation or interaction within that situation. Therefore, an important principle emerges: military operations should be anchored on how to gain, exploit and maintain relational advantage in the information dimension.

This report provides a primer on how to seize the advantage in the information dimension. It does not restate the existing joint or Army doctrinal approach to the subject; rather, it explores theoretical concepts, providing novel ways to incorporate cyber, AI and autonomous and semi-autonomous systems into the Army’s pursuit of information advantage. It provides an optimal method of operating, organizing and equipping for information advantage by offering an alternative way to think about doctrine, Army formations and arraying the battle.

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