23 August 2024

Ex-Trump adviser warns Hezbollah could strike on U.S. soil, Biden has lost ability to deter attacks

Charlotte Hazard

Robert Greenway, a retired intelligence officer who advised former President Donald Trump, warned Tuesday the Biden administration is losing the ability to deter future attacks by Iran and that a strike on U.S.soil by the Tehran-backed terrorist group Hezbollah "is a very real possibility."

Greenway criticized President Joe Biden's failed efforts to secure an elusive nuclear deal with Iran as "appeasement," noting the administration had freed billions of dollars in oil sales and sanctions relief for Tehran only to see Iran ramp up its worldwide terrorist activities through proxies like Hezbollah, Hamas and the Houthis.

“The access to resources completely predicates how much malignant behavior they’re going to engage in and we’re seeing this in full display and in real time,” he told Just the News. "...Deterrence has been dismantled by the Biden administration in order to pursue appeasement."

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