
6 August 2024

Destroying the world in French style, anything goes, nothing stands

Konstantinos Bogdanos

What we saw a week ago at the opening ceremony of the Paris Olympiad did not just come out of the blue. The meticulous cancellation of the Western culture that the French organisers presented to the world is the result of many decades of cultural preparation.

Wokeness did not just appear out of thin air. Rather it is the outcome of cultural Marxism, which sprang from Europe and took over the United States through the so-called Frankfurt School, before returning to the Old Continent via France.

Leftist intellectuals, who fled from wartime Europe to the United States and nested in Ivy League universities, began their campaign of undermining and dismantling Western values in the first post-war decades.

And while the United States have been at the forefront of this global movement, its European hub has undoubtedly been France. In fact, after the first generation of mostly German-born intellectuals laid the foundations, it was French thinkers who picked up and cemented the campaign of Western deconstruction.

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