
29 August 2024

Army progressing toward Theater Information Advantage Detachments deployments

Carley Welch

The Army is making strides towards standing up its Theater Information Advantage Detachments (TIADS), a new kind of unit that seeks to monitor the information warfare efforts of adversarial nations like China and Russia at the field level.

Thanks to the hefty amount of equipment and personnel needed, these organizations are scheduled to stand up in fiscal year 2026. Lt. Gen. Maria Barrett, commanding general of Army Cyber Command, said this week that the service has received positive feedback to the idea internally.

She said that other “theaters were already itching to get this capability, so much so that organically, they pulled people from different areas in order to really start, jump-start their campaign of learning,” Barrett said, as she closed out the 2024 TechNet Augusta conference. These “different areas” referred to the redesignation of the US Army Pacific’s G39 staff, a group responsible for information activities, to the TIADs.

In February, the Army Force Structure Transformation plan approved the creation of three TIADS — one detachment in Europe, the other in the Pacific region and an interterritorial detachment for the Army Cyber Command.

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