1 August 2024

America Beware: Russia is Waging a Broader War with Tactics Both Seen and Unseen

Glenn Corn

Every night I am awoken by air alerts from Kyiv. A few months back, while traveling to that city I put the “Air Alert App” on my cell phone to keep track of attacks on the city by the Russians. When I returned to the U.S., I decided to keep the application running to try to maintain a sense of how often the Russians were attacking Kyiv. That was in mid-April. And since returning the siren goes off at least once, often twice a night. Just Kyiv. My application does not track all of Russia’s air strikes against cities and towns across Ukraine. But the Russians are targeting Ukraine’s critical infrastructure all across war torn Ukraine and are even extending their operations to targets outside of Ukraine.

Recently, when I woke up to one of the sirens, I noticed that instead of the usual one or two alerts, there were four. Then, I opened a message from a friend who said the Russians had launched one of their most brutal strikes against Ukraine in recent months, lobbing 40 missiles inside of five Ukrainian cities – civilian areas — with one of those strikes hitting the Okhmatdyt Children’s hospital in Kyiv, ripping through the dialysis ward.

During an April visit to Kyiv for The Cipher Brief’s Kyiv Economic & Security Forum, Ukrainian authorities described how the Russian Armed Forces were specifically targeting Ukraine’s critical infrastructure and civilian targets. The goal? To terrorize the Ukrainian population into submission.

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